Well, it's birthday week in the Vamp household. Vampmommy celebrated her birthday with a little gathering on Saturday, even though her actual birthday isn't until Friday. That's "Return to the Hospital" day, so there won't be much celebrating to speak of.
In the meantime, my day is today, where I make the big transition to 35. Somewhere there's a form I'll have to fill out that will put me in another age category, and I don't think I fall into a subset any longer that considers me "a youth".
Ah, well -- as I start the day with Vampboy in my arms, desperately wanting to return to the banana bread awaiting his eager tummy in the kitchen, I thought I'd share with my readers my little ritual for this day - when I take a moment to listen to "Birthday" by the Sugarcubes. The video is a bit strange (it's Bjork, after all), but enjoy.
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While I have another moment for commentary.... Happy Birthday to both of you. I just realized that Declan and I have something in common. Both of my parents are January birthdays (Dad the 29th, Mom the 30th). We always celebrated them together and now it's tough to seperate them. It is still a special day to me so let these days remain special to you. It will keep you going. " and the seasons go round and round" -JM
Dear VD:
It should not surprise you that I forgot your birthday. I forget your birthday every year. (Please don't take this personally. I even forget my friend Leslie's birthday and she and I have the SAME birthday. Sheesh!) The gift of your posting is that I have instantaneously remembered and can wish you a happy birthday...and a happy birthday to VM. I know that this year offers a diminished capacity of joy. However, I know you both have what it takes to make the most with what you got.
Heather J
I didn't forget your birthday...I'm just behind in getting it together. I've been planning on putting some kind of small package together, and now that I've seen the Birthday video, I realize I was meant to wait so that I could find you a gigantic blue barrette to include in it.
Happy Birthday wishes to all of you and I hope the festive vibe carries you through.
Happy Birthday to both of you. I'm to the point that I'm lumped in with the 40-somethings on forms, even though I'm still not one of them. Mama, however, still lingers with the 30-somethings. Those forms aren't fair. We'll all be thinking of all of you on Friday.
Hey, happy belated birthday, Vampdaddy!
Happy very belated birthday! Sending some positive vibes as always
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