Sunday, June 15, 2008

2 AD

BC = Before Cancer

AD= After Diagnosis

Here we are -- two years later. Granted, the anniversary if VB's first seizure that began our cancer journey is the 18th -- but when a life-altering event takes place on a holiday, it's easy to assign value to the day, not the date.

Recently, things have happened that are too good to be true. First -- and most important -- Vampmommy got a job! As some of you many know, her gainful employment was one of the sacrifices we accepted to be able to engage in the needed battle. However, with the battle behind us, VM overcame the current state of the economy and landed what should be considered the perfect gig -- that of a Patient Navigator for our local branch of the American Cancer Society. Who better to help cancer patients and families navigate the system then someone who did it as well as she did?

The second moment of wonder came this morning. The day VB had his seizure, the plan for the morning was originally for myself, my dad and my brother to have breakfast at a local Irish Pub. It didn't happen obviously -- and Father's Day last year was spent largely in the hospital. But today, with the Pogues playing in the background, we gathered at the very spot we had intended to two years ago, and had the breakfast I had been waiting for.

There is more -- on the actual date-anniversary of VB's diagnosis, we will be frolicking on the beach in our first vacation as a family ever. There are also other things "afoot" that can't be spoken of yet, but promise to push us closer to a stability that has seemed foreign to us.

All of this is leading to something I'm no longer used to thinking about -- the future. Do we dare dream again? Do we finally take our eyes off what's right in front of us, and look instead to the horizon?

Here's to leaving behind, looking ahead, and dreaming once again. Happy Father's Day to my fellow Daddy-Bloggers!


Francesca Giessmann said...

VD: First Happy Father day to a great Dad that I have come to respect so much that has been equal parts : tenacity and grace while facing the most difficult imaginable of the circumstances!

VM: congrats on the new job! I agree that those who travelled this road are the best to give honest, meaninful advise.

Looking into the future??? hmmmmmmmmmm.. go for it! I have found myself lately thinking again of growing old and being around Leo when he will face his teenage years or adulthood... No one knows for sure.. I sure hope to be around...

Here is to "allowing ourselves to take back our own right to look into the future and see HAPPINESS AND HEALTH"

much love to the whole VFamily...
you and all the families deserve nothing but the very very best

Eliza said...

Awww happy Father's Day indeed! I'm so glad you finally got that breakfast! And YAY for VM landing such a perfect job--she's gonna kick ass and take names, and people will remember her all their lives. Looking into the future...geez. I don't tend to do that at the moment because I don't know what it holds (hopefully we'll know more by the end of the month), but I'm glad you finally can :)

Anonymous said...

Happy belated Fathers Day Tym. The very best to the three of you. Joanne

Lainey-Paney said...

Happy Father's Day ( I'm 2 days late. whatever)

Happy New Job to VM! And yes, it does sound like a perfect fit.

Happy vacation soon. How exciting!

...and these new things "afoot" me thinking. You're killin' us here: out with the news already!

Anonymous said...

F*&^ yeeeeeeeeeeeeeah!!

goldenbicep said...
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goldenbicep said...

Congratulations to the whole vampfamily on all the good stuff going on. And congratulations on the parts that were afoot when you posted this, but have now been announced on other forums. Best wishes to all of you as you anticipate your future as a relatively stable family.