Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Notes from the Observation Deck

Here, for your pleasure, is a smattering of the thoughts in my head these days. And note they all exist free of any substance use!

1. Robert Smith is dating my Ipod. As my days at work of late have been spent hunkered down at the computer writing the perfect grant, I've enjoyed ample time with my Ipod on "shuffle" mode. After awhile you can't help but notice some eerie and potentially conspiracy-laden patterns. For instance, why the hell does my Ipod randomly play more songs by The Cure than anybody else? I know there's a lot of Cure on there, but I've got more Tori Amos or Bjork, and I don't hear them very often -- or the other artists who make up the 8,000+ songs on there at the moment. Perhaps Steve Jobs has a special deal with Smith. I'll have to look into it in my spare time. Oh, look -- it's "Lovesong" again!

2. I Give Good Facebook. Yes, I took the plunge and put myself on Facebook. Admittedly I've reconnected with some folks from my college days, including my roommate for the latter half of my undergraduate experience, who is taking the 'net by storm in her role as a sword-wielding Elf in the Zelda Trailer. But I think I still prefer socializing with friends in person. (That said, though -- if you're on there, find me!)

3. Registration Begins at 10am. My dear friend Mumma Boo tagged me for thoughts on the course selections I wished schools made available. As I am embarking on a new role as an "adjunct professor" and a local college this fall, my thoughts are on this very issue. I wonder what the Dean of the department I'll be teaching in would say if I suggested that we scrap my course and go with one of these:

Self-Reflective Rhetorical Theory. This course will examine the answer to why bad things always happen to you. Students will examine their own shortcomings and misery to arrive at their thesis. Course grades will be determined based on final "pity-party" presentation.

M.O. Theory and Practice. Alphabetical by artist -- chronological by release date -- this course will examine prevailing concepts behind Music Organization Theory. Evidence-based practice in storage of vinyl, tape or compact disc collections to be highlighted. This course is a prerequisite course for M.O. Theory and Practice II: Zune Sucks.

The Ant in Cinema. Course will look at the ant as a cinematic archetype. Various horror movies in addition to recent computer-animated children's films will be screened. Students will be asked to synthesize cultural contexts and modern themes to better understand the insect race that will one day dominate the planet.

Playing the Role. Most people have no idea what they're talking about. This course will provide students the opportunity to learn methods of illusion with an eye towards career advancement. Famous idiots in positions of wealth and power will be examined.

The Complete Baking Soda Inventory. Is there any problem that can't be solved with Baking Soda? This course will provide students with an opportunity to delve into the many understandings and uses of the "white stuff". Final project to consist of students' achieving world peace, setting up a post-apocalyptic society, or curing Ebola with nothing more than a half-pound box of Arm & Hammer.

4. Wacky Wednesday! In an attempt at "preschool spirit week", VB's classroom had a "wear wacky clothes day" today. VB opted to pay homage to the glam rockers of the late 70's with his ensemble. David Bowie would be proud.

"He was a young American...."

5. Blogiversary.
I've been so busy observing the world that I didn't even notice that the Vampdaddy blog has turned two! Who would have thought (and I mean that on so many levels). Thanks for sticking around!


Anonymous said...

OMG, i can't handle the cute!! :)
heather a~*

mr. big dubya said...

Apparently our iPods are dating - either that or my iPod thinks I'm in serious need of more Goth as it seems to find Bauhaus, Sisters of Mercy, Peter Murphy, The Mission and Siouxsie more than any others. Well, almost as much as Depeche Mode.

Kayla Marie said...

My iPod does the same, but with the RENT soundtrack. I have much more of my favorite band on there, but they never play. I can't count how many times Seasons of Love comes on during a random shuffle though, it's crazy. :)

Papa Bradstein said...

Young American or Diamond Dog? Either way, an awesome outfit.

Anonymous said...

I won't embarass myself (or you for knowing me) by admitting what 80's icon is dating my mp3 player, despite having a plethora of artists from the last 4 decades on there. Great classes - thanks for playing! And I think VB would make a superb Teaching Assistant for the 70's portion of your MO Theory and Practice course.